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Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

When President Biden first talked about his vision of a confrontation between autocracy and democracy, for many people it sounded a little bit theoretical. But now we in Europe are experiencing a real front in that war, and that gives a very clear and understandable reality to this existential fight [Mr. Biden] has been talking about.”

Defense Cooperation

The most fundamental deliverable is for the U.S. president to show up at the time of the greatest crisis in European security since the end of the Second World War. There’s an opportunity for American leadership, there’s an expectation for American leadership. That symbolism is actually highly important.”

Foreign Policy

There is a high degree of coordination and an extraordinary degree of success in producing a roster of quite stark sanctions. But that brings its own challenge, which is to sustain that momentum through what is likely to be a long, protracted period of confrontation with Russia.”

Defense Cooperation NATO

The question that NATO and the US face is how quickly they can shift from a posture that previously relied largely on deterring Russia through political engagement to a more robust military approach. US forces are still key, because NATO allies in the east see them as far more of a deterrent to Moscow than troops from other European countries and because Russia itself would see any move against NATO as more risky.”

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