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Defense Cooperation NATO

I don't think people are in the mood to compromise, especially with Russia brutalizing Ukrainian populations. It's a hail Mary and people could vote against some kind of extreme compromise [that would end the war], but it's the only way it could be done.”

Defense Cooperation NATO

The question that NATO and the US face is how quickly they can shift from a posture that previously relied largely on deterring Russia through political engagement to a more robust military approach. US forces are still key, because NATO allies in the east see them as far more of a deterrent to Moscow than troops from other European countries and because Russia itself would see any move against NATO as more risky.”

Foreign Policy NATO

I'm very skeptical that the current round of talks will end Russia's war in Ukraine. This war has never been about Ukraine's NATO membership for Vladimir Putin. I'm concerned that from Russia's perspective the talks are meant to buy time for the Russian military to regroup.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy NATO

[Putin] preys on weakness. If Zelensky capitulates to those Russian demands right now, you can be sure that President Putin will then try to extract more demands not just from Ukraine, but from the West.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy NATO

With Britain's exit from the EU, America's greatest friend has departed, and with it, a voice against competition with NATO. Finally, Europe is not yet over the shock of Donald Trump. ”

Translated from Dutch
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