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Trade, Economics, and Business

Germans thought that, because the Wall came down peacefully, that Ostpolitik was right. Their lived experience was that those relations led to the right outcome, and that meant that making sure that the gas keeps flowing was paramount not only for the German economy but that it was the right strategic decision.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

The war happened right at a time when Europe and the US had a recovery that was going really well. Projections in Europe were among the highest...(in) the last 20 years.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

[An important question will be whether Russia retaliates by banning G-7 exports to Russia.] If so, Russia would ironically be helping isolate itself further and reduce trade with the West.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

If we compare the sudden decrease of the value of forint with Czech koruna and the Polish złoty, it shows that even within this regional basket [where all currencies weakened], international investors deem the insecurity risk the highest in case of Hungary.”

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