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Foreign Policy

When a permanent member of the Security Council takes the opportunity to double-down on violating the U.N. Charter during the General Assembly with what feels like impunity, I would not say this strengthens the U.N.’s effectiveness. It reinforces its weakness as an enforcement body.”

Authoritarian Interference Democracy Democratic Decline

The war in Ukraine is a good example of growing authoritarianism. Ukraine was a functioning democracy, albeit a flawed one. When Putin couldn't get the country under control otherwise, he decided to invade it. The war should serve as a reminder: if we don't defend democracy, what will happen next?”

Authoritarian Interference Trade, Economics, and Business

You certainly see them [China] in Taiwan and Hong Kong but then also in the developed democracies of Australia and New Zealand. Increasingly, they've kind of dabbled with going further afield, whether it's the Czech Republic or Chad or Kenya, or in some limited cases, funding ads or media operations that influence the United States.”


Russia’s efforts to spread disinformation about Ukrainian refugees are designed to undermine the EU’s global standing, reduce the European public’s support for Ukraine, and cause political disruption within the EU.”


Russia's Spanish-language social media accounts are some of the most powerful microphones in the Kremlin.”

Translated from Spanish
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