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Disinformation Elections

In the past when we've seen China weigh in on ostensibly domestic issues like police brutality, it's always had a China flavor to it. But if this new activity is indicative of a larger strategy, I think it would indicate a bit of a sea change.”

Democratic Decline Elections

The outcome of the Italian election certainly raises concerns in Brussels and adds another link in the political narrative chain of the rise of the far right in Europe, following the rise of Le Pen in France's presidential election earlier this year, and especially the emergence of the Swedish Democrats, an anti-immigration far-right party, as the second party in the recent elections in Sweden.”

Translated from Greek
Foreign Policy

When a permanent member of the Security Council takes the opportunity to double-down on violating the U.N. Charter during the General Assembly with what feels like impunity, I would not say this strengthens the U.N.’s effectiveness. It reinforces its weakness as an enforcement body.”

Authoritarian Interference Democracy Democratic Decline

The war in Ukraine is a good example of growing authoritarianism. Ukraine was a functioning democracy, albeit a flawed one. When Putin couldn't get the country under control otherwise, he decided to invade it. The war should serve as a reminder: if we don't defend democracy, what will happen next?”

Defense Cooperation

If President Biden plans to defend Taiwan, then he should make sure the U.S. military has the capability to do so. Rhetorical support that isn't backed up by real capabilities is unlikely to strengthen deterrence.”

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