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Keeping [Paul Whelan] in jail gives [Russia] another pawn for future negotiations. They left Paul out of the deal because they knew they could. It’s something else for them to extract leverage over down the road.”

While I still think it’s possible [Viktor Bout] can be used again by Russian authorities to activate his network and wreak havoc, I’m skeptical he’s going to reemerge as the biggest arms dealer on the planet as soon as he lands in Russia.”


Of the 100 most retweeted tweets about Ukraine posted by GOP candidates for the House since August, roughly 90% opposed continued support for Ukraine. Though much of that messaging plays to simple pocketbook concerns – essentially saying, ‘Why are we supporting Ukraine when Americans are struggling to pay their bills?’ – there is also a strain of anti-Ukrainian disinformation that colors some of their commentary.”

Emerging Technologies

The United States and democratic nations have an inherent advantage – a robust clinical trial process with transparency that can garner global credibility that autocratic nations like China and Russia could only dream of.”

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