Vassilis Ntousas is Senior Manager for Europe and Fellow for GMF’s Alliance for Securing Democracy. His research interests lie in European foreign policy and the European Union’s global engagement. Prior to joining GMF, he was the Senior International Relations Policy Advisor at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies in Brussels, where he led the foundation’s global research, advocacy, and strategic convening work. In 2019–2020, he held the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Academy fellowship at Chatham House, where he remains an Academy Associate with the institute’s Europe program. He is the author of several policy papers and regularly comments on global affairs for international media outlets. He is also the co-editor of two books published by Routledge, The European Union and China’s Belt and Road: Impact, Engagement and Competition (2021) and EU Climate Diplomacy: Politics, Law and Negotiations (2018). Ntousas holds an MSc in International Relations from the London School of Economics and a BA in International Relations and Politics from the University of Sheffield.

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But Ntousas said the broader picture shows the far right had modest gains across the bloc and in some countries didn't do as well as preelection polling predicted. The centrist majority that has “really set the tone when it comes to EU policies has held,” he said.
The head of European operations of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S., Vassilis Ntousas, comments on the case. “In the current mandate, the one that is leaving, it is seen that there are two far-right parliamentary groups: the I&D (Identity and Democracy) and the ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists). Combined, their numbers are going to come a long way. They will be stronger in terms of seats, and of course, politically, but the second part of this story, which many forget, is that it does not mean that the extreme right will take the reins, but rather that the pendulum, the center of gravity of the European Parliament, it is going to move in general.”
Translated from Spanish
"In the current mandate, the one that is coming out, it is seen that there are two far-right parliamentary groups: the R&D (Identity and Democracy) and the ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists). Combined, their numbers are going to go a long way. They will be stronger in terms of seats, and of course, politically, but the second part of this story, which many forget, is that it does not mean that the far right will take the reins, but rather that the pendulum, the center of gravity of the European Parliament, is going to swing in general."
Actions should be taken both towards the corrupted and the corrupting parts of the equation.
Translated from Italian
Mounting tensions or even crises — real, imaginary or manufactured — especially vis-à-vis Greece, Turkey’s old foe, can be an easy way of deflecting attention from the very real economic and political problems Mr. Erdogan and his AKP party are facing as they are fighting for their political survival ahead of next year’s election.
President Erdogan's growing international activism is a reflection of personal ambition and growing domestic political and economic concerns.
Translated from Italian
The outcome of the Italian election certainly raises concerns in Brussels and adds another link in the political narrative chain of the rise of the far right in Europe, following the rise of Le Pen in France's presidential election earlier this year, and especially the emergence of the Swedish Democrats, an anti-immigration far-right party, as the second party in the recent elections in Sweden.
Translated from Greek