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Foreign Policy

People in Germany and in the chancellery look at this kind of escalating rhetoric in Washington of an unavoidable escalation of conflict with China and view that with some concern and think that an escalation is still avoidable. And so that's going to be the difficult part for Olaf Scholz and German politics in general, if tensions continue to rise with China.”

Foreign Policy

But there is also a growing realization in Germany that it can’t be business as usual with China. This turning point for Germany has made clear that they can’t necessarily just follow this idea of ‘change through trade’ and not think about the hard power issues involved with trading with autocratic powers.”

Foreign Policy

Germany’s partners need to understand that the Zeitenwende was never about Germany suddenly becoming a geopolitical security policy leader in Europe. It was about an important shift in Germany’s security understanding – the realisation that Germany should also be able to defend its freedoms. But the Zeitenwende was not a promise of German leadership or vision.”

Defense Cooperation

This may be a signal that this kind of cover can’t last forever. Those sort of transactions may not be something that Germany can depend on for the future. The United States also wants to encourage Germany to act in coordination with its European allies, without Washington needing to join in.”

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