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Foreign Policy

Poland will assume the role of the Federal Republic of Germany during the Cold War. ... From the US point of view, Poland had turned out to be a not entirely reliable partner by making the conflict public instead of resolving it behind closed doors. ”

Foreign Policy NATO

The big visits to Brussels over the last days really illustrate the very stressful gap that exists between what Ukraine would like to see allied NATO allies providing and what many in the West would like to see the West doing, without provoking an overwhelming response from Russia. I think, in a sense, we have yet to come to grips with the utter ruthlessness of Russian policy.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

We are still more likely than not to see Russia's escalation in Ukraine and certainly the continued destruction of Ukrainian civilian lives. That said, if Russia is indeed considered a defeated power in this war, it would very likely mean the end of Vladimir Putin—as president, at the very least.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

When President Biden first talked about his vision of a confrontation between autocracy and democracy, for many people it sounded a little bit theoretical. But now we in Europe are experiencing a real front in that war, and that gives a very clear and understandable reality to this existential fight [Mr. Biden] has been talking about.”

Defense Cooperation NATO

NATO allies have provided a tremendous amount of support which is partly why Ukrainian forces have been able to resist and heroically perform on the battlefield. This aid is not going to stop until Ukraine will prevail.”

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