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463 Results for:
Foreign Policy

It’s clear Beijing sees this trip by Pelosi differently and as a much more severe break with past policy than some Americans appreciate.”

Foreign Policy

We are at an increasingly dangerous point in the U.S.-China relationship, particularly on Taiwan, with both sides determined to demonstrate resolve in the region.”

Foreign Policy

The days of win-win EU-China meetings, where the differences are papered over, and half-baked agreements are held up as deliverables, are long gone. China is adjusting to a new reality in which the EU is raising all the contentious issues in the relationship every time they meet. It would prefer to avoid this. ”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

China has become convinced that Congress and the executive branch are colluding to contain its rise. Since Speaker Pelosi is a Democrat and from the same party as President Biden, her trip is interpreted as part of a strategy of using Taiwan as a card against China and providing official support for Taiwan independence. ”

Foreign Policy

The days of win-win EU-China meetings, where the differences are papered over and half-baked agreements are held up as deliverables, are long gone. China is adjusting to a new reality in which the EU is raising all the contentious issues in the relationship every time they meet. It would prefer to avoid this.”

Foreign Policy

A lot of companies just assumed that a major conflict involving a big country was unlikely, but Russia’s invasion of Ukraine invalidated that assumption. Now the question is what other big country might have a serious military contingency and a Taiwan Strait crisis is the obvious connection for many people.”

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