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560 Results for:
Defense Cooperation NATO

It would have been hard to imagine Germany doing these things and saying these things even two months prior. But what was a significant shift for Germany wasn’t necessarily enough for the rest of the trans-Atlantic community.”


Russia and China have long shared distrust and animosity toward the West. On Ukraine, it’s a level above that — just the extent to which they have parroted some pretty specific and in some cases pretty far-fetched claims from Russia.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

Russia has its hand all across the energy sector in Europe. Trying to get away from Russian coal or from Russian gas or from Russian anything means shifting to a different fuel, but Russia's going to have a share in that, too.”

Authoritarian Interference Elections

It’s almost certain that a depleted Russian military after Ukraine is going to again double down on hybrid tactics to wreak havoc against us and other allied countries.”

Showing 189 of 560 Results