A Marshall Plan for Ukraine
We Need a Marshall Plan for Ukraine
The Marshall Plan was an audacious, innovative strategy to tackle the most pressing challenges of its time. Breaking Western Europe’s cycle of conflict and rebuilding economies devastated by World War II was an immense task, and the Marshall Plan is a concrete example of the scale of change made possible by imagination, pragmatism, and generosity. GMF’s work carries this spirit into the 21st century.
In George C. Marshall’s words: "With foresight, and a willingness on the part of our people to face up to the vast responsibility which history has clearly placed upon our country, the difficulties I have outlined can and will be overcome."
Amid Russia's war on Ukraine, the German Marshall Fund of the United States provides insights, commentary, and analysis on a Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction through the spirit of the Marshall Plan.
A Modern Marshall Plan for Ukraine
Can one of the most successful US foreign policy initiatives in the 20th century—the Marshall Plan—be replicated in the 21st century—a modern Marshall Plan for Ukraine?
The unequivocal answer to this question is “yes,”
Policy Research
Stories from Ukraine
GMF Hope Fund
Stand with the global GMF community by donating to the GMF Hope Fund for urgent assistance, including funds for emergency evacuation and relocation support, to our civil society grantees, fellows, and alumni who have become victims of Russia’s war on Ukraine.
Learn More about GMF
This year the German Marshall Fund marks its 50th anniversary and the 75th anniversary of the Marshall Plan. These historic moments serve as an opportunity to highlight the achievements of one of the most important American diplomatic initiatives of the 20th century and how its legacy lives on today through GMF and its mission.