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Trade, Economics, and Business

The Russian government would, in my opinion, be compelled to start printing large amounts of new roubles with the risk of inciting significant additional inflation in Russia.”

Foreign Policy Trade, Economics, and Business

Chancellor Scholz, in my opinion, made a terrible strategic move by ruling out energy sanctions because he basically invited this action by Putin. Now, either he’s going to have to break existing sanctions [by dealing in Russian currency] or he’s going to have to do what he didn’t want to do before, namely, stop – or de facto stop – energy exports. Putin is basically forcing Germany to choose between potentially getting no gas or breaking the sanctions.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy NATO Trade, Economics, and Business

Much of the support to Ukraine that has been delivered so far is really being delivered among a coalition of nation states — a coalition of the willing within NATO — but not necessarily as NATO's action, per se. As time goes on, there's an open question as to whether Russia will continue to tolerate the supply lines of arms transfers and fuel deliveries to Ukraine being organized from NATO territory.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

It is likely that China's major financial institutions with exposure to Western and other markets will adhere to sanction enforcement, at least when it comes to U.S. dollar transactions, out of fear of secondary sanctions.”

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