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At the individual level of analysis, President Erdogan perceives a threat from the US thinking that it is intentionally undermining him with the ultimate goal of removing him from power. This frustration and threat perception leads President Erdogan to seek a counterbalancing alliance with Russia against the U.S.”

Technology and Democracy

Sharing information between the EU and U.S. is a necessary part of effectively stopping technology leakage. But this won’t happen quickly; there are too many legal and institutional jealousies. It’s a three-to-five-year project.”

Foreign Policy

If the US and Europe really use the new council to create the link between national security and economic strength, then something important can come out of it. But it will take time.”

Translated from German
Foreign Policy

Beijing thinks the U.S. needs China's cooperation more than China needs cooperation from the United States. So, by insisting that there are preconditions for any kind of cooperation, China thinks it can get some concessions from the U.S.”

Foreign Policy

I believe that the deal that the PRC made to get Meng [Wanzhou] released was on the table during the Trump administration. She had to acknowledge wrongdoing and ultimately that is what she did. I don't see capitulation.”

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