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Defense Cooperation

The problem here is that the European Union has not been involved formally in talks in 2014 when the Ukraine crisis started. Back then we had Germany and France in the Normandy format [talks] and no official EU representative.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy NATO

In Germany’s new governing coalition, there is a balance of power in the background, and that matters. Scholz must deal with this reality and a European Parliament that is more and more angry with Russia, its hostility to the E.U. and its interference in domestic affairs.”

Authoritarian Interference Foreign Policy

A new mechanism needs to avoid a grand bargain approach or expectations that all outstanding issues between the two allies can be resolved in the short run. The new mechanism should instead focus on cooperation where possible, fixing what is fixable and managing outstanding differences before they turn into major crises.”

Authoritarian Interference Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

That scenario is being debated quite a bit here in Washington. What’s going to happen if we have two theaters of war, two theaters of tension, at the same time? Can the United States handle that? Having moved to the US for a research project involving Russia, China, and the US, I see growing concern about the Russia-China relationship ramp-up in recent weeks.”

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