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543 Results for:
Defense Cooperation

Supplying Ukraine with MiG-29s will likely be seen by Russia as a significant step up in military help for Ukraine. No one NATO country should be put under pressure to do it alone.”

Foreign Policy

It is a scenario that would come at enormous cost for both Ukraine and Russia. Moscow would try to achieve its aims through terror, through a bombing campaign in major cities… to make Ukrainians somehow more willing to accept some of the Russian demands.”

Defense Cooperation

This is where the actor understands the moment, understands the messages that need to be delivered in that moment. You can absolutely credit him and his constant outreach to world leaders, and of course the incredible courage of the Ukrainian people. It is changing policy.”

Defense Cooperation

The Chinese have made it clear that they think Russia has legitimate security concerns, they have blamed NATO’s expansion as the cause of the problem, they won’t even call it an invasion.”

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