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They want to take those mistakes and suggest without additional evidence that those mistakes are enough to justify overturning the results of an election. That’s a really dangerous place to be for a healthy democracy.”

Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society Global Implications of China's Rise

El fet que Qin passés per davant d'altres candidats amb més experiència, va ser vist com un senyal de confiança profunda de Xi. “Es creu àmpliament que Xi té un cercle intern molt petit de persones a qui consulta, i a més d'això, té massa confiança i pren decisions basades en els seus propis instints”, ha destacat Bonnie Glaser, directora gerent de German Marshall Fund's Indo- Programa Pacífic i recull la mateixa CNN.”

Translated from Spanish
Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society Global Implications of China's Rise

“It is widely believed that Xi has a very small inner circle of people that he consults, and on top of that is over confident and makes decisions based on his own instincts,” said Bonnie Glaser, managing director of the German Marshall Fund’s Indo-Pacific program. “Qin is his protege, and therefore this will necessarily reflect badly on Xi. However, that doesn’t mean that this episode will pose a challenge to his power,” she said.”

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