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Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

Beijing has harshly criticized the Quad and will not be happy if (South Korea) becomes involved, but it will probably voice its concerns in a way that sends a warning signal but leaves the door open for a positive bilateral relationship.”


In the midst of ongoing efforts to baselessly question the legitimacy of the state’s electoral system, Georgia’s high early voting turnout was a strong indicator of voters’ confidence in the security and integrity of their state’s elections.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

[Taiwan’s government] focuses on the president’s declaration that he will defend Taiwan, which they welcome because it provides reassurance to their public and boosts support for the ruling party. They ignore the rest.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

The Chinese military maneuvers and drills are a reminder to Taiwan and the US not to cross Beijing's red lines. Those red lines include campaigning for formal Taiwan independence or a decision to deploy large numbers of US troops to the island.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

Wang Yi will be seeking to strengthen ties with the Pacific and counter US and Australian efforts to make inroads at China’s expense. He will sign the pact with the Solomons and likely announce another accord with Kiribati.”

Foreign Policy

Many of the ideas in IPEF have already been incorporated into smaller bilateral or minilateral initiatives, but by knitting these fragments together in a comprehensive 'framework,' the Biden administration hopes to show that there is a compelling overarching vision behind its regional economic engagement.”

Translated from Korean
Foreign Policy

People say, ‘This is good, it will deter China,’ but how do we know that? Maybe Xi will see this as challenging Beijing’s core interests and be moved to attack Taiwan sooner. Xi is under great pressure, with the economy, with COVID. It’s not clear Biden’s statements would intimidate him. They could just aggravate his pressures.”

Foreign Policy

I don’t think that you’re going to hear anything in the Tony Blinken speech that hasn’t been said before and I don’t think that the goal is to come out and say something different because we have observed what the administration has done over the last 15 months. I think the main emphasis is how we’re going to do this alongside our partners.”

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