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463 Results for:
Foreign Policy

I believe that at the outset of this war, Xi had hoped that this conflict would help to accelerate the decline of the West and the friction between the US and its allies and drive a wedge between them. It has of course had quite a contrary impact, and so I think that has been very unfavourable to China.”

It’s in China’s interests to identify the cause of the crash. There is no doubt that including Boeing representatives will aid in doing so.”

Foreign Policy

China prefers a negotiated end to the conflict that results in a neutralised Ukraine that remains a sovereign entity, and greater security for Russia, a divided and weakened NATO, and reduced US credibility and influence.”

Foreign Policy

China prefers a negotiated end to the conflict that results in a neutralized Ukraine that remains a sovereign entity, and greater security for Russia, a divided and weakened NATO, and reduced US credibility and influence.”

Showing 297 of 463 Results