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543 Results for:
Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy NATO Trade, Economics, and Business

Much of the support to Ukraine that has been delivered so far is really being delivered among a coalition of nation states — a coalition of the willing within NATO — but not necessarily as NATO's action, per se. As time goes on, there's an open question as to whether Russia will continue to tolerate the supply lines of arms transfers and fuel deliveries to Ukraine being organized from NATO territory.”

Defense Cooperation

The most fundamental deliverable is for the U.S. president to show up at the time of the greatest crisis in European security since the end of the Second World War. There’s an opportunity for American leadership, there’s an expectation for American leadership. That symbolism is actually highly important.”

Defense Cooperation NATO

I don't think people are in the mood to compromise, especially with Russia brutalizing Ukrainian populations. It's a hail Mary and people could vote against some kind of extreme compromise [that would end the war], but it's the only way it could be done.”

Foreign Policy

There is a high degree of coordination and an extraordinary degree of success in producing a roster of quite stark sanctions. But that brings its own challenge, which is to sustain that momentum through what is likely to be a long, protracted period of confrontation with Russia.”

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