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Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

Taiwan is watching the war in Ukraine closely. Many civilians in Taiwan are expressing a greater desire to learn how they can play a role in defending their island and resisting Chinese forces if necessary, but it’s not yet clear how far the Taiwanese military will go to help prepare the civilian population.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

It started before the invasion of Ukraine, but I think it has really, really solidified since then. There has been this wake-up call in the Pentagon to make sure Taiwan is serious, and we need to get serious too.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

But India, like many in the region, does not want to fall in the “West versus the rest” dichotomy. It needs to work with Russia because it faces an aggressive China. As Moscow and Beijing grow closer, New Delhi may not have a choice but to revise its position.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

There has been consistent messaging that if China does so it will face severe consequences. It appears that so far, the Chinese have not. It is feasible that the Chinese planned to provide military assistance and changed their minds.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

I think the main emphasis is how we’re going to do this alongside our partners … and how we’re going to integrate our economic statecraft and technological capabilities with our diplomatic and military-slash-defense toolboxes to advance a set of objectives vis-à-vis China.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy NATO

China’s siding with Russia and blaming NATO is absolutely unacceptable for most of Central and Eastern Europe. The Chinese government doesn’t seem to understand, or doesn’t want to understand, that Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine is seen as an existential issue for most countries in the region.”

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