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Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

The Chinese military maneuvers and drills are a reminder to Taiwan and the US not to cross Beijing's red lines. Those red lines include campaigning for formal Taiwan independence or a decision to deploy large numbers of US troops to the island.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

Wang Yi will be seeking to strengthen ties with the Pacific and counter US and Australian efforts to make inroads at China’s expense. He will sign the pact with the Solomons and likely announce another accord with Kiribati.”

Foreign Policy

People say, ‘This is good, it will deter China,’ but how do we know that? Maybe Xi will see this as challenging Beijing’s core interests and be moved to attack Taiwan sooner. Xi is under great pressure, with the economy, with COVID. It’s not clear Biden’s statements would intimidate him. They could just aggravate his pressures.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

I think this trend started in the Trump administration. It has continued in the Biden administration. It is in large part, a result of growing concern about the potential for a Chinese attack on Taiwan.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

[Biden] has weakened the policy of strategic ambiguity and I think that's deliberate. [But the remarks left unanswered questions and that it was problematic to suggest that the United States would defend Taiwan in all circumstances.] I think confusion in our policy undermines deterrence.”

Foreign Policy

The level of concern in Beijing about US policy toward Taiwan is already very high, and this episode will further heighten that concern, especially since it was said in Tokyo. ”

Foreign Policy

If [Xi] feels backed into a corner, he may be forced to act in a way that would be contrary to what President Biden actually wants to see. ”

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