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Poll workers are the backbone of American democracy. They played a critical role in the success of the 2020 election. They, frankly, continue to play success in 2022.”

Technology and Democracy

Most owners of these platforms have had to remain neutral on issues related to politics and geopolitics. [Musk's] freewheeling style of communicating with authoritarians is certainly going to create challenges with how the platform is perceived.”

Cybersecurity Elections

In the current hyperpolarized atmosphere, modems in voting machines are now not only a potential target for cyberattacks, but, perhaps more importantly, information operations seeking to cast doubt on the legitimacy of U.S. elections.”

Disinformation Elections

The 'Big Lie' has been a sort of like a virus that has spread throughout nearly every part of American society, including right into the poll worker ranks. But I do think it's important to note that instances of rogue poll workers are few. They're isolated and, you know, when they've occurred, they've been identified and addressed.”

Showing 252 of 792 Results