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Defense Cooperation NATO

If Austin’s goal of weakening Russia is confirmed it would mean that Washington and NATO are contemplating a lasting period of confrontation and risk in connection with Russia.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

There has been consistent messaging that if China does so it will face severe consequences. It appears that so far, the Chinese have not. It is feasible that the Chinese planned to provide military assistance and changed their minds.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

But India, like many in the region, does not want to fall in the “West versus the rest” dichotomy. It needs to work with Russia because it faces an aggressive China. As Moscow and Beijing grow closer, New Delhi may not have a choice but to revise its position.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

This highlights how Russia’s atrocious actions in Ukraine have forced previous neutral countries to commit fully to NATO in the ‘you are either fully with us, or we will not protect you.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

I think the main emphasis is how we’re going to do this alongside our partners … and how we’re going to integrate our economic statecraft and technological capabilities with our diplomatic and military-slash-defense toolboxes to advance a set of objectives vis-à-vis China.”

Defense Cooperation NATO

I think from the perspective of Moscow, they want to build a case that this whole thing was started by NATO and the United States. Putin is using the boogeyman of NATO, of the United States, to justify the actions that he is taking to the Russian domestic population.”

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