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463 Results for:
Foreign Policy

Neither side needs a war. And from a US strategic standpoint, this is a particularly bad issue to pick a fight with China over.”

Foreign Policy

I think the Chinese are determined to demonstrate strength and resolve. They perceive the need to bolster their redlines. They want to credibly warn the US of the risk of further incremental actions that they see as ‘salami slicing’ the US ‘one China’ policy.”

Foreign Policy

We all know how bad this relationship has been in the past year. And I just think that this visit by Nancy Pelosi is just going to take it to a new low. And I think that it’s going to be very difficult to recover from that.”

Foreign Policy

But the probability that the PRC will take a series of military, economic, and diplomatic actions to show strength and resolve is not insignificant. Likely it will seek to punish Taiwan in myriad ways.”

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