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Defense Cooperation NATO

There is no trust. There's even mutual dislike,” Lété said. “And both parties have a completely different vision on what the future of European security should be. Russia believes it has the right to have a zone of influence (e.g. the post-Soviet area), whereas NATO supports the sovereign decisions of states to define their own future.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy NATO

In Germany’s new governing coalition, there is a balance of power in the background, and that matters. Scholz must deal with this reality and a European Parliament that is more and more angry with Russia, its hostility to the E.U. and its interference in domestic affairs.”

Foreign Policy NATO

NATO is at a turning point in its history. The crisis with Ukraine illustrates the importance of its role, but also the very difficult equation it faces,. ”

Translated from French
Authoritarian Interference Defense Cooperation NATO

Leaders need to talk. The assessment of this move depends on the message Scholz is going to deliver to Putin. And Scholz must make clear to him that he is serious, ready to impose substantial costs on Russia for further aggression against Ukraine.”

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