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Defense Cooperation Elections NATO Security and Geopolitics

Michał Baranowski, the head of the German Marshall Fund in Poland, said his country has a unique perspective on why spending more on defense is essential. But that doesn’t mean all European countries feel the same way.“It’s clear that Europe is waking up. It’s clear the West is waking up. But the question is if we’re waking up at the pace of relevance,” Baranowski said. “We’re talking about how European defense, and defense in general, is expensive. We kind of understand in this part of the world that what’s really expensive is if Ukraine loses the war, and then we actually have to deal with Russians that feel victorious and are trying to push further.” ”

Security and Geopolitics Technology and Democracy

For China, the optics of the talks may be as important as their substance, according to Lindsay Gorman, a former senior technology advisor in the Biden White House. “China wants to be a player in global governance. It wants to be on equal footing with the U.S. as another pole when it comes to leading the conversation on AI development and regulations,” said Gorman, who now heads the German Marshall Fund’s technology program. And it’s not just Washington, either—Xi’s visit to Europe this month included a joint declaration on AI governance between France and China.“China benefits from calm seas, including on these AI topics. A public show of diplomacy helps foster that image, and anything they can do to blunt some of these tech actions would definitely be in their interest,” Gorman said.”

Global Implications of China's Rise War in Ukraine

The problem for Europeans is that the Chinese are pursuing this ever more hostile, ever closer alignment with the Russians, because it serves them to have the Russians as a partner who is openly challenging and disruptive, while China at the same time wants to remain a very close economic and technological partner of the EU and the U.S. So China wants to have it both ways”

Cybersecurity Digital Regulation Technology and Democracy

The big issue with TikTok is that it's owned by a company, ByteDance, that is based in the Peoples' Republic of China and is held accountable to the Chinese Communist Party. (...) the ability to influence TikTok's algorithm, to have massive amounts of data about the likes, dislikes, and habits of American voters [is] handing the Chinese Communist Party a loaded gun”

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