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463 Results for:
Authoritarian Interference Trade, Economics, and Business

You certainly see them [China] in Taiwan and Hong Kong but then also in the developed democracies of Australia and New Zealand. Increasingly, they've kind of dabbled with going further afield, whether it's the Czech Republic or Chad or Kenya, or in some limited cases, funding ads or media operations that influence the United States.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

Though ostensibly a reaction to Pelosi’s visit, it is clear China’s exercises had been long planned. I do think they were looking for an opportunity to escalate. This is not something you prep after the announcement (of the visit) and then pull off that quickly and that easily.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

I doubt Xi's top concerns are related to foreign policy. As Xi is looking toward the Party Congress, I think he is most concerned about putting his own people on the Politburo Standing Committee and the Politburo. ”

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