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Foreign Policy

Lithuania’s stance, and China’s response to it, has helped force this issue onto the European agenda. There is still a reluctance to provoke Beijing on one of the reddest of its red lines. But there is also a realisation that Europe cannot leave Lithuania out there, blowing in the wind. And there is a growing conviction that Europe cannot allow Beijing to define what its ‘One China’ policy looks like.”

Domestic Politics and Society

It [is] now getting increasingly difficult for Mr. Erdogan [to] pass the new threshold even with MHP support. Therefore, they want to change this. But the MHP has two objections: It would destroy the principle of counter dependency and political legitimacy would be questionable if they don’t get half the vote.”

Domestic Politics and Society

While the CGTN letter appeared clumsy and even sinister to many observers, it was not necessarily intended to convince anyone. Rather, messages like these are meant as a demonstration of power: ‘We are telling you that she is fine, and who are you to say otherwise?’ It’s not meant to convince people but to intimidate and demonstrate the power of the state. ”

Foreign Policy

Biden’s statements haven’t consistently signaled an ironclad guarantee that the U.S. would come to Taiwan’s defense. Most of them have simply made no sense. These statements have sent confused signals and have not advanced American interests in preserving peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.”

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