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543 Results for:
Elections Foreign Policy

Although Salvini and Meloni represent different stances on Russia, the League’s internal factions hold enough Euro-Atlanticist supporters to keep Italy on a similar path to the one it’s on now. My personal view is that there will not be any loud change or something extremely visible.”

Defense Cooperation

I think the signatories of the ceasefire appeal are far removed from the reality of life in the war zone.”

Translated from German
Foreign Policy

Everyone I have talked to is wary about what is likely to happen in the next few months, with high energy prices, the trajectories of the various economies, and whether the public will become less supportive of the strong stance that we've jointly taken on Russia and the war in Ukraine.”


They [Russia] lost the information war in the West in the first week and haven’t got it back. Really good communications and disinformation cannot overcome really bad policies.”

Showing 171 of 543 Results