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Foreign Policy International Meetings Transatlantic Relations

Heather Conley, president of the German Marshall Fund in Washington, said that Scholz was also looking to hear from Biden on his “Plan B” if Congress remains at loggerheads over funding for Ukraine. “If in fact, there is no forthcoming U.S. supplemental, what tools does the U.S. administration have at its disposal?” Conley said.”

Civil Society

Actually, this law goes even further,' says Daniel Hegedüs, who works on Hungary as a researcher at the German Marshall Fund. 'In Russia, although the rule of law is seriously flawed, you can appeal. In Hungary, you can't.”

If the goal is to give the message to the Hungarians that you have to change your behaviour. If nothing else it is naming and shaming.”

Ukraine Reconstruction

In view of the possibility that the USA will stop its financial aid and EU funds will remain blocked, there is a risk that Ukraine will have to declare state bankruptcy in the spring," explains Daniel Hegedüs, Hungary expert at the German Marshall Fund. Putin would then have reached his goal.”

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