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Foreign Policy

I don't think there will be any further enlargement of the EU before there are reforms. ”

Authoritarian Interference Foreign Policy

It appears that the significance of the incident took the Chinese authorities by surprise. As late as [February 3], when foreign media questions made it apparent that the story was blowing up, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was giving curt and dismissive answers instead of trying to get ahead of the story.”

Foreign Policy

It appears that the significance of the incident took the Chinese authorities by surprise. As late as Friday, when foreign media questions made it apparent that the story was blowing up, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was giving curt and dismissive answers instead of trying to get ahead of the story.”

Foreign Policy

The window of opportunity to put China-US relations ‘back on the track of steady development’, which Biden and Xi agreed to do in Bali, may be missed. ”

Foreign Policy

In many ways, the Biden Administration has continued the hawkish China policies of the Trump Administration but with one critical additional element, working in tandem with allies and partners. The Biden Administration's overtures to allies and partners through attentiveness have helped improve their relations. ”

Translated from Spanish
Foreign Policy

So I think the US sees itself as in a pretty strong position and would like to try and use that position to encourage China to establish some sustained dialogue mechanisms and to expand cooperation.”

Democratic Decline Foreign Policy

There is also a sense in Budapest that Orbán is often criticizing the West’s response to the war because business circles close to the ruling party still benefit from economic links to Moscow — and because he wants to strengthen his case for opposing sanctions. ”

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