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543 Results for:
Defense Cooperation NATO

There is a pretty robust debate going on about security guarantees, but I really don’t think President Biden will want to put this forward now. Instead, the US administration is pushing ahead with “a porcupine strategy”, which means “arm Ukrainians to the teeth so that they can deal with Russia directly.”

Foreign Policy

At the same time, Ukrainians are absolutely not ready to give up any of their territory, not that that would stop the war because Putin would just be encouraged by this. ”

Defense Cooperation

The war has made it plain to everyone in the country that the armed forces are in a state of disrepair. Given the dire state of things, it has been remarkable what the Bundeswehr has been able and willing to give Ukraine after all.”

Foreign Policy

You're going to have bilateral donors, international financial institutions and other multilateral instruments that will be used to support reconstruction recovery.”

Showing 99 of 543 Results