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Democratic Decline Elections

"In the current mandate, the one that is coming out, it is seen that there are two far-right parliamentary groups: the R&D (Identity and Democracy) and the ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists). Combined, their numbers are going to go a long way. They will be stronger in terms of seats, and of course, politically, but the second part of this story, which many forget, is that it does not mean that the far right will take the reins, but rather that the pendulum, the center of gravity of the European Parliament, is going to swing in general."”

Authoritarian Interference Democratic Decline Disinformation Technology and Democracy

One of the most active websites we found in our study is Greek. These are supposed to be authentic websites of networks in, for example, the USA or Africa, however, in reality they were republishing propaganda supported by the Russian regime. There were also some sites in our study with the ending ".gr". So we definitely found a footprint in Greece," said Bret Schafer, researcher at the German Marshall Fund.”

Translated from Greek
Authoritarian Interference Democratic Decline Elections

Daniel Hegedus, a senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund, said Lanczi's quick framing of an ascendant Magyar and the rest of the opposition as "traitors and enemies of the Hungarian nation" could limit support among potentially disaffected Fidesz voters who respond to patriotic appeals. "Obviously, considering the media dominance of Fidesz, it resonates," Hegedus said.”

Democracy Democratic Decline

Political chaos can benefit autocratic leaders by distracting Washington from key issues, including the war in Ukraine. Russia’s goal is to move voices from the “fringes of the political debate to the mainstream,” said David Salvo, Managing Director of the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund in Washington, D.C. The Kremlin does that partly by pushing Russian points of view under the guise of news and social media posts that look like they originate in the West. Salvo noted that disagreements in Congress that delayed an aid package to Ukraine followed a Russian social media campaign aimed at Americans. That led to Russia gaining the upper hand on the battlefield.”

Democratic Decline NATO

According to Daniel Hegedus, a foreign policy analyst at the German Marshall Fund, this was no accidental intrusion, but a conscious transfer of information on behalf of the Hungarian authorities to the Russian side. Of course, this cannot be proven, but given the context, it seems plausible. Likewise, although I have not seen any clear evidence, report or document substantiating it, intelligence sharing between Hungary and its Western allies is understood to be marked by a reluctance to share confidential information.”

Democracy Democratic Decline Disinformation

'This is really the tip of the Russian propaganda iceberg,” said Bret Schafer, a co-author of the report and a senior fellow at German Marshall Fund. “It was quite evident when we were running the search results in the E.U. that if Russian propaganda is not showing up on Russian domains, it’s getting through, which is sort of a double whammy because it’s not just evading restrictions and bans, it’s doing so on sites that are less transparent than RT itself.'”

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