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Democratic Decline Elections Transatlantic Relations

The results could add tensions to the U.S.-European bilateral relationship over time as European leaders face pressure to respond to the concerns of disaffected voters, said Kristine Berzina, who leads the German Marshall Fund of the United States’ GMF Geostrategy North program.”

Democracy Domestic Politics and Society Elections

But Ntousas said the broader picture shows the far right had modest gains across the bloc and in some countries didn't do as well as preelection polling predicted. The centrist majority that has “really set the tone when it comes to EU policies has held,” he said.”

Democracy Elections Foreign Policy

The head of European operations of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S., Vassilis Ntousas, comments on the case. “In the current mandate, the one that is leaving, it is seen that there are two far-right parliamentary groups: the I&D (Identity and Democracy) and the ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists). Combined, their numbers are going to come a long way. They will be stronger in terms of seats, and of course, politically, but the second part of this story, which many forget, is that it does not mean that the extreme right will take the reins, but rather that the pendulum, the center of gravity of the European Parliament, it is going to move in general.””

Translated from Spanish
Democracy Elections

“She is in firm control of Italian domestic politics and she’s looking to wield extra influence at EU level, where Italy has historically punched below its weight,” said Jacob Kirkegaard, a Brussels-based senior fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the United States think tank.”

Democratic Decline Elections

"In the current mandate, the one that is coming out, it is seen that there are two far-right parliamentary groups: the R&D (Identity and Democracy) and the ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists). Combined, their numbers are going to go a long way. They will be stronger in terms of seats, and of course, politically, but the second part of this story, which many forget, is that it does not mean that the far right will take the reins, but rather that the pendulum, the center of gravity of the European Parliament, is going to swing in general."”

Showing 18 of 374 Results