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Foreign Policy

In many ways, the Biden Administration has continued the hawkish China policies of the Trump Administration but with one critical additional element, working in tandem with allies and partners. The Biden Administration's overtures to allies and partners through attentiveness have helped improve their relations. ”

Translated from Spanish
Foreign Policy

The window of opportunity to put China-US relations ‘back on the track of steady development’, which Biden and Xi agreed to do in Bali, may be missed. ”

Defense Cooperation

France missed an opportunity to show what strategic autonomy is or could be. Under the surface of the slogan, there was not much there in terms of resources or deployment or even in intellectual leadership. ”

Democratic Decline Elections

Some threats may not be homegrown, as foreign adversaries continue to try to influence U.S. elections, and polarization around election administration may make it harder for the U.S. to fight off such efforts.”

Showing 558 of 4134 Results