About this event


  • Heather Boushey, President and CEO of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth
  • Matthias Berninger, Head of Public Affairs, Science & Sustainability at Bayer AG


  • Peter Chase, Senior Fellow at GMF Brussels

What have been the impacts of globalization on the United States? Both presidential candidates will have to address globalization in their election campaigns. But  what policies will each candidate tout when it comes to questions of trade and workforce development? At this Transatlantic Tuesday, we will assess how globalization is shaping the life—and votes—of Americans. How have the recent challenges posed by the coronavirus changed the perception of globalization in the United States? And how are the global economy and its repercussions being used as a campaign issue for the presidential election in November?

Join us for a lively virtual discussion! #TransatlanticTuesdays

If you have any questions, please contact Elisabeth Winter at [email protected].