About this event

2024 brings key elections to both sides of the Atlantic. The results of the European Parliament elections in June and the U.S. presidential election in November will shape the transatlantic agenda, including critical issues such as the shape of the global order and democracy, U.S.-EU relations, conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, China, and the growing significance of emerging powers in South America, Africa, and Asia.

This in-person event, organized in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy Madrid and Casa de América, will discuss the impact of public opinion on key items of the 2024 transatlantic agenda and include a presentation of the findings of GMF's 2023 Transatlantic Trends survey conducted in 14 countries.

Should you have any questions, please contact Hermine Sam at [email protected]

The event will be held in English without translation.

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) is a nonpartisan policy organization committed to the idea that the United States and Europe are stronger together.

Event Speakers

Beth Sanner

Resident Distinguished Fellow

Beth Sanner is a resident distinguished fellow at GMF. She was previously deputy director of national intelligence for mission integration. In this role she served as the president’s intelligence briefer. She served before...