GMF Technology work on allied coordination and competitiveness lies at the intersection of the need to advance a democratic model for emerging technologies and the imperative of countering autocratic technology models through geopolitical technology competition. We are pioneering a conception of allied technology competitiveness that translates shared values into policy action by deploying “allied” measures. 

This strategy aims to promote competitiveness and innovation among democratic partners and ensure their economic security. It requires strengthening alliances among democracies, reimagining existing policy frameworks, and reorienting transatlantic priorities. GMF Technology advances specific policy ideas that build and deploy the United States and the EU’s shared techno-economic toolkit, including inbound and outbound investment screening, technology export controls, and measures to address the PRC’s intellectual property theft. 

GMF Technology’s high-level convenings across government, the innovation sector, and civil society forge transatlantic cohesion. Recent program activities include the Transatlantic Technology Exchange for Members of the European Parliament, the multi-stakeholder European Cyber Agora to advance the EU’s leadership in cyber diplomacy, and a series of US-EU dialogues on industrial policy.

Transatlantic Technology Exchange

A weeklong study tour for a delegation of 12 Members of European Parliament leading on technology policy

European Cyber Agora

Shaping the European technology and cybersecurity policy agendas

US-EU Dialogues on Industrial Policy

Understanding the future of transatlantic economic competitiveness and identifying a shared path toward a modern industrial policy