The global commons—domains beyond the sovereign jurisdiction of any single state—are essential to the stability and prosperity of the international order. They provide public goods such as trade routes, transportation and communication networks, fish stocks, satellite imagery, global positioning, and e-commerce infrastructure that benefit countries around the world. However, the global commons have become increasingly crowded and contested in recent years, and their rules and norms have been challenged by shifts in the political, economic, and security environment. Despite the significant differences in the strategic dynamics of these domains, they are all facing similar strains due to the rise of China, advances in technology, and the emergence of forms of state and non-state behavior that are difficult to regulate. In some cases, there is a need for reform of existing governance regimes, while in others, new regimes need to be constructed. The GMF Asia Program investigates opportunities to address these issues by building coalitions for effective global commons governance across the United States, Europe, and Asia.

Promoting Good Governance in the Global Commons Through US-Japan Cooperation

The United States and Japan have been drawn closer together by these emerging challenges in the global commons—by their common interests in maintaining a rules-based international system and by their shared values. GMF Asia’s research explores opportunities for the United States and Japan to promote good governance in the global commons through an examination of their foreign policies, as well as assessment of their relevant domestic political debates. This project draws insights by analyzing and comparing governance issues across multiple global commons, including the maritime, outer space, and cyberspace domains. GMF Asia’s research also explores avenues for broader cooperation in the global commons, extending beyond the United States and Japan to include other like-minded countries across Europe and Asia.

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