The Marshall Memorial Fellowship (MMF) is GMF’s flagship leadership development program. Created in 1982 to introduce a new generation of European leaders to the United States, it now prepares leaders from both sides of the Atlantic for transatlantic cooperation. The program relies on 6 months of distance learning and 21 days of first-hand experience to facilitate knowledge and network development for effective transatlantic engagement. The MMF alumni network numbers more than 2,500 leaders. Their transatlantic engagement continues throughout their careers with GMF alumni projects, seminars, and major events.

This program is made possible thanks to the generous support of the German Federal government through the KfW Development Bank, the Kresge Foundation, Cleveland Foundation, Phokion Potamianos, and the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

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"The Fellowship was an incredible experience. GMF selected some incredibly accomplished and talented individuals with whom it was an absolute joy and pleasure to travel, get to know, and become friends."
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Our Alumni 

Explore the MMF cohorts of the past ten years below. 


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This program is made possible thanks to the generous support of the German Federal government through the KfW Development Bank, the Kresge Foundation, Cleveland Foundation, Phokion Potamianos, and the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

If you have any questions, please direct them to [email protected]


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