The Eastern Partnership countries have increasingly experienced diverse democratic paths: from consolidated or semi-consolidated authoritarian regimes to transitional regimes. These democratic trajectories have key implications for the upcoming elections in the region and require comprehensive yet differentiated support mechanisms for electoral integrity.

Complementary to international electoral observation missions, local civic actors play a key role in developing local networks for short- and long-term electoral monitoring. CSOs and independent media are key stakeholders in informing the public on electoral improprieties and empowering voters through information and mobilization campaigns to be more involved in their countries participatory processes. CSOs and independent media can also be key monitoring actors of the abuse of public resources in elections. As elections can be instrumentalized for the validation of incumbent authoritarian or anti-liberal regimes, civic actors can empower election observer groups to break through authoritarian efforts to block, muffle, and discredit credible election observation.

In response to these challenges, the Transatlantic Foundation (TF) and Equal Rights & Independent Media (ERIM) will implement the "Promote Accountability in Electoral Processes in EaP Countries through Increased Participation and Capacity of Civic Actors" (ProElect) project, funded by the European Commission, aiming to promote functioning pluralism, participatory, and representative democracy in the Eastern Partnership countries. It addresses the key challenges for CSOs in monitoring elections and promoting democratic accountability mechanisms.

The central objective of the ProElect project is to ensure that civil society actors and independent media in the Eastern Partnership countries, are engaged, capable and knowledgeable in monitoring elections and promoting democratic accountability mechanisms.

ProElect sets out to achieve the following three objectives:

  1. Increase understanding of current barriers for electoral monitoring and observation in the EaP countries.

  2. Strengthen the capacity of CSOs in the Eastern Partnership countries, to conduct independent and credible electoral observation and to conduct oversight activities during the full electoral cycle (pre-electoral period, election day and post-electoral period). 

  3. Increase public awareness on different types of malpractices that have the potential to affect electoral legitimacy and the acceptance of the electoral outcome cross-country and across borders. 

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