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81 Results for:
Authoritarian Interference Domestic Politics and Society

The Polish government is reluctant to join any EU-wide populist group because they could lose influence within the European Parliament, given that they are the largest party within their current European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group... While the Identity and Democracy [far-right grouping] and its member parties are largely isolated in the European Parliament, the ECR Group and especially Law and Justice isn't. They have rapporteurs and shadow rapporteurs in the European Parliament...and also a committee presidency.”

Foreign Policy

The concern on the government side, and this is why they’re so firm, is that if there is even a process to let people in, this will create a narrative that this is a place where people from Iraq and Syria can be processed into Europe, and the numbers won’t be 4,000, as now, but 30,000. ”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

hinter der ungarischen Rhetorik politisches Kalkül steckt. Die Botschaft der ungarischen Regierung an die EU laute: „Wenn ihr uns das Geld nicht gebt, dann können wir noch ungemütlicher für euch werden.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

Hungarian rhetoric could be 'politically calculated leveraging' against the potential loss of EU funding. (They are saying), ‘If you don’t give us the money, then we can be even more uncomfortable for you.’”

Showing 81 of 81 Results