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Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

When President Biden first talked about his vision of a confrontation between autocracy and democracy, for many people it sounded a little bit theoretical. But now we in Europe are experiencing a real front in that war, and that gives a very clear and understandable reality to this existential fight [Mr. Biden] has been talking about.”

Defense Cooperation

If the Americans came across as pushy and twisting Poland’s arm, then the Poles came across as unpredictable to the Americans. This is a scratch on this very shiny new Polish-US relationship, but I don’t necessarily think that it is going to be a very long or persistent scratch.”

Defense Cooperation

Supplying Ukraine with MiG-29s will likely be seen by Russia as a significant step up in military help for Ukraine. No one NATO country should be put under pressure to do it alone.”

Defense Cooperation

In the event of a Ukrainian military defeat, there will certainly remain forms of guerrilla warfare in the country. Poland could then, according to researcher, serve as a rear base for these fighters.”

Translated from French
Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

[Europe should do more to assert itself, but not through] a parallel track of negotiations with Russia, but by creating additional defense capabilities, by being clear on sanctions, by being proactive. That’s what we need from Europe as a whole.”

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