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Foreign Policy NATO

You have zero guarantees that Russia would keep its promise of not escalating further...This is what major wars in Europe were made of, that kind of way of thinking.”

Trade, Economics, and Business

We got this scientific miracle. We had a vaccine that was available six to nine months earlier than anybody had really believed in 2020...What that meant was that the second half of 2021 saw basically a general reopening in all of the advanced economies, and that certainly was a massive positive surprise.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

I think the Chinese would be ill-advised to assume that if the United States did not intervene militarily in a Ukraine crisis, that means the United States would not intervene militarily in a Taiwan crisis. They really are different.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

It would be detrimental if Poland, Romania, and other eastern flank countries were excluded from the talks. The reaction would be very negative and it would send a clear signal to Russia that, look: if you need to talk about European security, don’t worry about what those pesky central Europeans are thinking, you just have to talk with the big powers.”

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