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Elections Technology and Democracy

Bennett could set the standard for all who follow. Her leadership is essential at a time of resurgent authoritarianism around the world — to ensure that people living under repressive regimes not only have access to accurate information but also can see models of excellent journalism in practice.”

Cybersecurity Foreign Policy Technology and Democracy

If we’re talking about addressing issues like cyber and updating diplomacy in development to meet 21st-century challenges, you really need to have this in place, otherwise you’re missing a key component of the legislative process. It really forces members together on both sides of the aisle to have to deal with these very difficult issues.”

Digital Regulation Technology and Democracy

To endeavor to fix this, the DSA will require Big Tech companies to conduct and publish annual impact assessments, which will examine their ecosystem of users and whether or not – or how – recommendation algorithms direct traffic. It’s asking these large platforms to think about the social impact they have.”

Digital Regulation Technology and Democracy

In order to protect human rights online, especially freedom of expression, it’s now necessary to invest in broadband connections and digital skills, while also protecting against surveillance, online violence and discrimination, and cyber-attacks.”

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