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464 Results for:
Defense Cooperation

China wants to keep Taiwan in a box and it is using more and more coercion against Taiwan...They want to intimidate Taiwan.”

I personally would have advised Tai to continue to communicate in English, just to ensure that nothing is misconceived in Beijing. It's a bit of a dance that's going on between China and the United States and we'll have to see how far it goes.”

Given how much [China has] ratcheted up pressure in the past week, we should worry that they will want to send a stronger signal, and therefore do something more destabilising than simply increase the number of sorties around Taiwan.”

Defense Cooperation

Activities such as this — for training purposes — have been going on for years. In the past, these activities have been kept under wraps. If they are now being made public deliberately, that’s new. And it will undoubtedly provoke a reaction from China.”

[The spike in China's military activity is] destabilizing, but not alarming and undoubtedly intended to intimidate Taiwan.”

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