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543 Results for:
Defense Cooperation

[Russia’s war on Ukraine] has underscored the importance to countries like Japan and Australia of alliances — how important they are in protecting their interests and potentially deterring but also pushing back against a similar kind of aggression in Asia.”

Defense Cooperation NATO

[The war in Ukraine has served as a tragic reminder of why the NATO alliance exists in the first place: to protect member states from a threat that is] very real. In that respect, the war is particularly damning for those candidates who claimed the threat was non-existent.”

Defense Cooperation

[A big part of why Russia took the Zaporizhzhia and Chernobyl facilities was their location. Chernobyl is part of the] quickest route from Belarus down to Kyiv [and added that Zaporizhzhia is] on the way [from Russia’s other positions near places like Crimea.]”

Defense Cooperation

The Chinese have made it clear that they think Russia has legitimate security concerns. They have blamed NATO's expansion as the cause of the problem, [and] they won’t even call it an invasion.”

Defense Cooperation

There are no major differences between what's happening in Ukraine and Putin's past actions in Chechnya, Syria, and other conflict zones. Putin has used force like this before, committing human rights violations that have been grotesque and cost countless lives.”

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