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Disinformation Elections

Election officials and their partners understand that the goal isn’t to create a perfect election system, but one that ensures that any attack on the election system doesn’t exceed the ability to detect and recover from it.”


Of the 100 most retweeted tweets about Ukraine posted by GOP candidates for the House since August, roughly 90% opposed continued support for Ukraine. Though much of that messaging plays to simple pocketbook concerns – essentially saying, ‘Why are we supporting Ukraine when Americans are struggling to pay their bills?’ – there is also a strain of anti-Ukrainian disinformation that colors some of their commentary.”


When the war crimes in Bucha came to light, we searched for 'Bucha' every day. Initially, links to websites debunking Russian propaganda appeared, but they suddenly disappeared from the list. Then you only got links to general information about Bucha or Instagram pages."”

Translated from Dutch
Disinformation Elections

If they lose, that just reaffirms beliefs that the whole thing is rigged. And if they win, you have people running elections who have pretty wild thoughts about how elections should be run.”

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