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Foreign Policy

It's remarkable to see a really good relationship between [Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping], but it can not be taken for granted. It is about understanding and regulating Europe and the United States. It is clear that countries like Russia and China have a clear agreement on what they want to play a very important role and are working for this common goal.”

Translated from Burmese
Trade, Economics, and Business

There was a high level of concern within the Tsai administration that this pork referendum would pass. [If the pork import ban had been approved by Taiwan’s voters,] it just would have been very consequential for the U.S.-Taiwan trade relationship.”

Defense Cooperation Foreign Policy

I think the Chinese would be ill-advised to assume that if the United States did not intervene militarily in a Ukraine crisis, that means the United States would not intervene militarily in a Taiwan crisis. They really are different.”

Foreign Policy

China has had some bad experiences and is aware of the political and economic risks of the deteriorating financial situation in many countries. So they are lending less.”

Translated from French
Foreign Policy

A diplomatic boycott is, of course, a symbolic act. Ultimately, it is about the external effect. How China presents itself. And that is why it is important to the Chinese government that the Olympic Games are not overshadowed by such a diplomatic boycott.”

Translated from German
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